
Seminarium Mercuriale 15 III


Zapraszamy na zdalne Seminarium Mercuriale w Instytucie Filologii Klasycznej UW, które odbędzie się w środę 15 marca o godz. 18.30 za pośrednictwem Google Meet, link https://meet.google.com/rqm-hxuk-soi.
Dr Laurens van der Wiel (Wydział Historii UW)
wygłosi referat pt.
Plutarch's Regum et imperatorum apophthegmata: Authenticity, Dating, Literary Analysis, and Appreciation.
Plutarch's Regum et imperatorum apophthegmata are a collection of 494 apophthegms, introduced by a dedicatory letter to Trajan. Since it is the only work in the Chaeronean's oeuvre that explicitly addresses a Roman emperor and, one expects, attempts to educate the ruler, the collection is of paramount importance for our understanding of the author's political views – or perhaps of his own philosophical-political aspirations – and his ideas about exemplary literature. However, previous scholarship only rarely paid attention to the text for its own sake, because the authenticity of the work was generally rejected, especially from the nineteenth century on. In light of recent research, this paper will take a close look at the collection's authorship and restore its reputation as a Plutarchan work. Related to this, a possible dating of the work will be proposed, in line with a literary analysis of the dedicatory letter to Trajan and its implications for the structure of the entire apophthegm collection.
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Mikołaj Szymański
Jan Kwapisz